Saturday, February 4, 2012


Some succulent seed that I have germinated recently, along with a picture of what they should look like when they get older:
Cheiridopsis peculiaris
(21 days after planting seed)
Cheiridopsis peculiaris
(a mature specimen)

Cheiridopsis is a South African succulent member of the Aizoaceae, often refered to as a mesemb (short for Mesembryanthemaceae)

Pleiospilos bolusii
(21 days after planting seed)
Pleiospilos bolusii
(a mature specimen)

Pleiospilos is another South African mesemb.  A common name for this one is "Split Rock"

Jensenobotrya lossowiana
(21 days after planting seed)
Jensenobotrya lossowiana
(a mature specimen)

Another South African mesemb

Coreopsis gigantea
(21 days after planting seed)
Coreopsis gigantea
(a larger, but not mature, specimen)

A giant coreopsis daisy, resembling a small tree.  It grows along the coast of Southern California

Sceletium tortuosum
(21 days after planting seed)
Sceletium tortuosum
(a mature specimen)

Another South African mesemb

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