Cheiridopsis peculiaris (21 days after planting seed) |
Cheiridopsis peculiaris (a mature specimen) |
Cheiridopsis is a South African succulent member of the Aizoaceae, often refered to as a mesemb (short for Mesembryanthemaceae)
Pleiospilos bolusii (21 days after planting seed) |
Pleiospilos bolusii (a mature specimen) |
Pleiospilos is another South African mesemb. A common name for this one is "Split Rock"
Jensenobotrya lossowiana (21 days after planting seed) |
Jensenobotrya lossowiana (a mature specimen) |
Another South African mesemb
Coreopsis gigantea (21 days after planting seed) |
Coreopsis gigantea (a larger, but not mature, specimen) |
A giant coreopsis daisy, resembling a small tree. It grows along the coast of Southern California
Sceletium tortuosum (21 days after planting seed) |
Sceletium tortuosum (a mature specimen) |
Another South African mesemb
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